Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I know Mother's Day already passed but I still wanted to blog about it. And anyways, we're still going to have our Mother's day celebration at church this Saturday!

Anyways, holidays for me aren't the best because David really doesn't like holidays or celebrating. He's just not use to it, and I love holidays! In my family any holiday was celebrated!

But my morning started sweetly because Natalie gave me this cute little box with yummy cupcakes inside. She had prepared them in Achievement Day in church. Most of them got eaten by her and Jaime! Aaaaa poor mommies, we don't even get to eat our own gifts! But it's okay, it's the gesture that counted!

Church is always nice because we get lots of love. Here I am at church with my sister in law Gracie!

And look at this cutie. It's her daughter! I couldn't stop taking pictures of her with those flowers. It was like she was modeling! Too Cute!

Now David hadn't given me anything or even said anything. So I was feeling kind of sad. But ofcourse like always he pulls out something out of his sleeve in his own style ofcourse.

Now let me start by saying that he's not the typical gift giver. Yes he's bought me wonderful, fancy, and expensive gifts before but he's actually more of a gift maker. He has always since we were going out has made me the most unique and thoughtful gifts. Some people have commented to me if I don't mind that he doesn't buy me things instead but you know I don't. That's what I love about him, he takes time to make intricate gifts with meaning and I think I would be sad if he ever stopped.

Well this was his latest creation that surprised me when we came home.

It was the cutest canopy bug thingy net thingy with flowers and butterflies stuck on it! With a cutout of the moon inside and a card!

Now let me tell you the back story to why he made me this. I know it may seem weird but it was really sweet.

I had been telling him about how scared I was starting to get about having to go with the girls to Young Woman's camp and having to deal with the bugs and especially the spiders that I hate. So in his card he told me that he wanted to do something that would make me feel better and reassured me that everything would be okay at camp. So that I wouldn't be so scared anymore.
That's why he put up the mosquito net and covered it with cute bugs instead and flowers. I loved it. It was so cute. It especially reminded me of something he had done a long time ago that has been my favorite thing ever. He had onced put daisies died green all over our room. (My favorite color is green!) The room looked so wonderful with pretty flowers all over!

So I have to say that Mother's Day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! It was actually pretty nice!

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