Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Well this Christmas we were all pretty good so Santa gaves us each a little something something. After Santa being pretty frustrated trying to find Little David some shoes he'd like in his size, he had to resort to the internet. Luckily he found some that he liked!

Natalie after two years of begging for a DSi, she finally got one from Santa!

And I, having been such a good girl received a purse................

And a nice lighted mirror to do her make up.
The cutes story is that when I wrapped up David's gift I put that it was for the Hottest Husband in the world from Mrs. Claus.
When Natalie saw it she couldn't believe it and then said, "Ay esa Mrs. Claus, she likes Daddy. I'm going to have to tell Mr. Claus." Yes she speaks Spanglish and she truly did believe it. So then she said, "Don't worry if she marries Daddy you can marry Santa."
Then before my parents left for work she then looked at me and said, "Mommy how do we know that gift isn't for Buelo?" Hahahahaha! I couldn't stop laughing. I just told her it couldn't be cause Buelo doesn't speak English so it had to be Daddies! Hahahaha!

Christmas Eve Party!

My family is known for throwing great parties,so this year our Christmas Eve Party was no exeption, our party was off the hook, as the young ones would say! Hahahaha! There was lots of family and friends!Tons of Food and Drinks!
Everyone looked so good in their Christmas outfits!

Especially us! Hahahaha!

Ofcourse the place was full of children! We are a big family!
We even had our own Banda play for us this year. And a couple of us even took a turn joining the band! Check out my brother. Who knew playing an instrument was so much work! He almost didn't last the whole song!
Ofcourse we couldn't leave the games out. But David owes me one, cause he practically pushed me out of the way to beat me to the chair. Bad David!

And nothing says "Mexican Christmas Party" like having piñatas. We had 3 of them.
It was so cute because usually little kids are scared of diving for the candy once the piñata is broken but not Jaimito. He didn't even wait for me. As soon as he saw everyone going for the candy he dived right in and made sure to get himself some goodies! I was amazed! That little boy is something else!
Ofcourse we got to hit it too!

And after we danced and dance and ate some more! Nothing like dancing, eating, and playing to have a good time!

Tamale making!

Finally I got around to updating my blog. It has been a busy holidays.

Well on the day before Christmas Eve some of us got together to cook the tamales for the Christmas Eve Party. Let me just say it got pretty loud in that house. Especially because my aunt and her two daughter's love to scream and squeal in delight! It's the funniest thing, but I think I would miss it if they would ever stop. My mom ofcourse was the one doing the masa. She's an expert at it already.The rest of us just pretend to help. No matter how hard we try to spread the masa evenly and perfectly, my gramma still thought they were pretty crappy! hahaha! Oh well they still ended up tasting pretty good, especially the ones de queso con rajas. And we couldn't finish this post without a cute picture of the cousins!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Natalie's Christmas Solo

Ahhhhh somebody help me and tell me why my videos won't upload to my blog. I wanted to post Natalie's video of her solo in her school Christmas program. I'm going to try to upload it to facebook so that you can see her. She was soooooo good. I have to admit I was nervous for her. I thought she would forget the words or maybe just get too scared to do it. But she sure proved me wrong. The story of how she decided to do this is kind of funny. See she's always talking about how she wants to be a singer, dancer, ect. Which I think all little girls want to be at one time or another. But she's super shy and she won't even sing a song for her grandparents. So I told her that if she wanted to be a singer she was going to have to stop being so shy and embarrased to perform in front of people. I thought that this would end her desires of such a career.

Then one day in December she came home and said she had great news. She said, "Mommy I auditioned to sing a solo for the upcoming Christmas program at school. Since you told me I had to stop being scared I decided I would do this. So I tried out and I was choosen." I couldn't believe it. I have to admit that I didn't expect her to take my advice. If she was anything like me than she would be trying to hide behind the big kid during the whole program.

But she did it. Not only did she do it, she did an awesome job! She was so confident and got through it smoothly and without any mistakes. She was the cutest one there! Hey I get to say that cause I'm her mom! She was the cutes most prettiest girl! I was so proud of her!
So I don't know what this means. She might be the next Selena Gomez (lol) or not. What I do know is that she took my advice, which that in itself is awesome, and she was brave enough to overcome her fears and do something that she set out to do. My little superstar!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas tree & Indoor soccer

Not only did we get our first snowfall Saturday, we also put up the Christmas tree and Natalie had her first indoor soccer game. I just hate how my videos wont upload to blogger because I had a video of my Nati playing.

Anyways she enjoyed putting up the tree so much. She had been bugging my mom about it all week. She put on some Christmas music and had herself a good time.
Ofcourse she always has to make a silly pose for the camera.

In the end my mom and me where the ones who did most of the work and Natalie just enjoyed the show! I never knew putting up a tree could take sooooooooo long. I forgot to take a picture of the end product but it came out soooooooooo pretty.

After that we had to rush to get ready for her soccer game.

My poor baby, she ended up soooooooooo tired and soar. Indoor soccer is just way different than outdoor soccer. But she was a fighter and hung in there. They lost 3-1 but I think they did a wonderful job since non of the girls on her team had played indoor before and the oposite team had.

My only complain about indoor soccer is the set up for the parents. I don't know about you guys but I'm a screamer! In a good way (i think). I mean I'm the type of parent that cheers Natalie and her team on and always tells her " Pegale, pegale. Ahora para alla! Correle mas duro! Dale dale!" and so on! I try to control myself and not be one of those crazy parents but I'm in no way a quiet spectator! But in this indoor place it's like I'm behind a plastic see through wall where it feels like no matter how loud I scream she can't hear me! And most parents were just sitting there quietly, some not even paying attention, so I ended up sounding and looking like a crazy raging parent. Hahahaha! And being an addict of taking pictures that also really sucked. I mean trying to take video or pictures through the wall was so hard and annoying. But oh well, there's nothing I can do exept scream louder even if I get weird looks from all the other parents!

Monday, December 6, 2010

First Snowfall

This past Saturday we woke up to our first snowfall of the season. It's rather late I think. We had been enjoying such mild and beautiful weather that I didn't think we would get snow any time soon. But I realized I had actually missed it, mostly for my kids sake.

Here's Natalie getting ready for it. She's so silly!
Then she got right to it. She surprised me at what a good snow shoveler she is.Ofcourse I helped. I had forgotten what a workout it can be.Jaime wasn't too sure if he liked the snow. He was trying to decide.Then ofcourse we had to play in the snow. She tried making a snow angel.Not sure if it came out right.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Date at the Shedd

I had been looking forward to this date for sooooo long and had been so excited about it! It was a gift from a lovely sister at my ward.

It turned out to be a wonderful date. It was a very windy, cloudy, and cool day but not even that was able to ruin my day.

Here are some pictures we took on our walk from the parking lot to the museum.

When we got there we had to wait for our tickets so we decided to go to the gift shop. There we found a very silly frog hat which we decided to try on!

Once we got in it was great. I have been to the Shedd many times from when I was a child in school to going on fieldtrips with my daughter but I had never enjoyed it so much like this day. It was like everything was new to me. I know I had seen these fish before yet I found so many new ones I felt like I hadn't seen before. Maybe it was because I didn't have the distraction of trying to keep 4 kids rounded up and not loosing one in the crowd or the fact that I was able to look at each single one without the crowd rushing me. But maybe it was because I was there with my David on a date that everything just seem so much better! I enjoyed it so much, I was so amazed at how many huge fishes there were. Like the one David tried to take a bite of! Hahahaha!
I loved the Wild Reef exhibition so much. Too bad we couldn't use a flash on the camera so the pictures didn't come out right. And as old as it can get, I still went looking for NEMO! lol!

We also got to touch some starfish! The water was super cold that I wasn't brave enough like David to really get my hand in there to touch the ones really in there.

Then we got to see a movie in 4D about some animals. At first we were a little skeptical on how it would be but it actually turned out to be pretty cool. They had real wind and fake snow and some squirts of water and even a poke on the back that really spooked us! It was hilarious.

After we left the Shedd we went to get something to eat and on the way back to the car we took some pictures.

This picture didn't quite turn out as we had planned. We wanted to make it look like David was holding up the city, you know those cheesy pictures, but it quite didn't work out!