Sunday, August 25, 2013

Manners Matter

For our last Achievement Day activity we decided to talk and teach the girls about manners. We wanted to teach them about how important it is to know how to behave properly in different scenarios but especially about how the way they carry themselves affects the way others treat or perceive them.
My sister, who is my first counselor, had a wonderful set up. She had a fancy dinner set up for the girls.

She went over how to properly eat, sit and use utensils. I also talked about how to properly answer the phone, say hi to people, talk to missionaries, ect.

The girls had lots of laughs when she went over how we should walk. Especially when she demonstrated the way they shouldn't be walking.

Over all the girls loved it, had lots of fun and learned something too.

The Cost of Potty Training

Well the impossible finally happened. Jaimito finally is potty trained. I seriously never thought it would happen. He's already 4 and a half years old. His small stature saved him from looking too weird walking around with a diaper at almost 5 years old. It wasn't fun changing his diapers and buying boxes of diapers for two kids was even less fun.
But finally after many failed attempts we did it. But it sure wasn't for free. He was promised new Legos if he finally used the potty. He didn't get a cheap little set, nope he went for the big guns. It costs me basically what 5 or 6 boxes of diapers would've cost me. But hey, as long as I don't have to buy him anymore diapers or pull ups I think it was worth it.