Monday, September 13, 2010

Taking a Walk!

I love love love taking walks. Especially now in September when the afternoons are starting to cool off and the sun goes down earlier. I just love the feeling of walking with your family and talking and laughing! And it's so fun watching Jaimito interact with his surroundings! He's becoming such a big boy! And Natalie enjoys the walks just as much as I do. Well now she doesn't walk, she rides her bike. She's really enjoying it! Hey they were the best $15 bucks I've spent lately!

Here's a little bit of our walk. I just love Jaimito's run, it's like he bounces instead of running!

1 comment:

  1. Jaime is too cute! He and Kaiya would have been great friends. I love how he almost fell, bouncing off the fence and how easily distracted little kids get. Great video.
