This past weekend we bought Natalie her first bike at the flea market. Now does this make us cheap parents, I wondered. I mean as any other parent, I want what's best for my daughter and I enjoy buying her the things she wants, but I also feel that for certain things and at certain times, used is good too!
I don't know, I feel like buying her things that still work even thought they have been used teaches her to value things more, to realize that things still work and provide enjoyement even if they're not new or brand name.
Anyways, the story is that we went to the flea market and she kept seeing bikes and asking us when we were going to get her a bike. So finally we looked around and I decided for this one wich cost $25 but I bargained down to $15. I was so proud of myself, exept I failed for two reasons. 1. I bougth it almost right when we got there so we had to haul this thing around all day and 2. I didn't shop around enough and sadly I missed out on way better bikes for about the same price! Ah what a rookie mistake.
Anyways, Natalie was so happy! She couldn't wait to get home because she said she was going to wash it and make it sparkling clean! As she washed it I felt so proud of her. I thought about when I was her age and I would've never been happy with a used bike. I think I was pretty spoiled and would never be too happy with used things. Yet here was my daughter, super happy with her "new" bike washing it! For a second there, I was happy to see that I wasn't doing such a bad job raising her! She appreciated her things even if they weren't brand new.
Then my bubble was busted! As she finished washing her bike she turns to me and says, "Ah it's not getting clean! Can't we go to the store and buy a new clean one!?" She was talking about the tires not being totally white and because the bike had a few scratches and a tiny bit of rusting!
At that moment I realized that she had thought the whole time that she would be able to wash it to the point of making it look just like a brand new one! Ah silly me! Well I proceeded to give her my motherly speech about how much she had been enjoying it earlier and how it wouldn't be anymore fun just because it would be new etc, ect.
Well, I'm not too dissapointed because she did give in and she has been riding it endlessly! She really loves it and is enjoying it. So I guess I still have hope that she will learn that valuable lesson and that my sermon didn't go in one ear and out the other!