Last week we had the blessing of having a weekend trip to Salt Lake City, Utah. It was a crazy quick trip. I couldn't get the pictures in order but I'll try to record my feelings and experiences of the trip.
Starting with these pictures. I can't express the wonder and amazement I felt being in such greatness. All this nature is unbelievable. Heavenly Father's creations are just breath taking. I'm know to not really like mountains, I'm a city girl. But this time I just couldn't get enough of it. Every way I turned there were wonderful views.
I was nervous of not fitting in with my husband's family. I have to say I felt very welcomed. It was confirmed in my heart the importance of families. How my Father in Heaven blessed us with them.
I love this picture. The background can't be beat. I love my husband. He is my rock.
I felt so alive when hiking up to this waterfall. I literally felt on top of the world.
Kissing up here just felt right. LOL. After all we have been up and down our own "mountains" and have always been able to conquer them together.
Did I mention that it was my first time flying. Well I flew when I was like 4 years old once and that's it. David flew once when he was 16 but doesn't remember. And he doesn't like rollercoasters, swings or anything that makes his stomach turn. So you can imagine how nervous and scared we both were. I was surprised how nervous I was because I like rollercoasters and such but I really was freaking out. I do have to say it wasn't as bad as I thought BUT it still was crazy. The take off wasn't as bad and my concern with the ear popping was actually not bad. My ears were fine to my surprise. Now let's talk about turbulence. That is the scariest thing ever!!! Feeling so out of control, knowing we're in the sky and there's no where to go but down. And don't get me started on the landing. OMG!!! The descent is just too much.

Now that we got the scary parts out of the way, let me say the good part. I actually loved how extraordinary it was to be able to see God's beauty and creations from up high. Being in the clouds was incredible. Like I couldn't believe it. I could see all the mountains and trees and sun and clouds. Like I couldn't believe people were sleeping through it all, how the frequent flyers where probably use to it. I just felt like no matter how many times I would ever fly, I would always want a window seat to enjoy the amazing view. I couldn't believe man had conquered flight and we were able to enjoy this view.
And we made it safely. Utah's airport was way different than Chicago's Ohare airport. It was half the size and half as busy.
Our trip was basically only a day and we didn't have time to do much. So on Sunday before we left we literally did a drive by through temple square. They literally dropped us off at one side of the temple where we walked through and took some pictures and walked out the other side to be picked up. We snapped some pictures and we were off to the airport.
And we were back on the plane back to Chicago.
Now the reason for this whole trip was to support David's cousin entering the temple for the first time. He entered the Payson temple. It was beautiful beyond believe. There are no words to describe it's beauty. And knowing I'm able to go in with my partner makes me feel blessed every single time.
The experience was wonderful. All of us waiting for his cousin to pass the veil. Made me think of how wonderful it must have been when my Gramma passed and was able to be greeted by all her love ones. It's hard to understand why so many people turn away the opportunity of entering the temple. It was nice though to see everyone there supporting him, even those none members or those who hadn't entered the temple yet. Having had a long rough road trying to get my husband there, every time I'm there and see him there, I still have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. We have both come a long way.