Friday, March 16, 2012

Polka Dots

I've always wanted to be a DIY'er type of person but never really was. I've always wanted to decorate my house but never really had the means.

Well I still don't, lol, but now that we recently moved to an apartment we had some funds put away to start fixing up our little place. So I have lots of posts I wanna make because we really did a lot. I'm very happy with the results so far. We still have some stuff left to do or buy but it'll have to be a process because those funds I was talking about went dry!

Okay now to get to the good stuff. I wanted to buy new chairs for the kitchen at Ikea but they were pretty pricey. I did find one that was on sale for 9.99 that I liked, here's a picture of it.
I was almost conviced on getting them when my mom suggested taking her chairs that went with the table she was giving me anyways. She said we could just re-do the seating covers. And after David checked this chair out personally and found it to be too weak and not worthy of leaning back on it (boys!) I decided to take my mom on her offer. We found the material to redo the chairs at Ikea too! Now I have to worn you that they're a little bit out there! Hahahaha we have kind of a quirky taste mixed with a little bit of everything else. So the cloth I choose might not agree with everyone but that's actually what made me like it. David too!

Anyways, since our kitchen was going to be painted a bright yellow we decided to go with a yello with white polka dot material. Here's kind of the process in pictures.
So ofcourse first you unscrew it from the bottom to separate them.

Then the hubby helped take off the really hard to get staples to get that nasty material off.

 Then my mom measured and stenciled the seat cousin to the material.
After cutting it out we then started to staple the material to the cushion with the staple gun. Now unless you're really awesomely handy, I think this is a two person job. I didn't know what a sweat breaking thing this was. It was actually tiring. Now after we stappled the material we also cut out and stappled plastic covers over the cloth material. I know a lot of you don't like that or might think it's tacky, I thought so too, but with two kids I knew it was the best choice. It makes it way easier to wipe clean after any mess.

And Voila! Here are my kitchen chairs. Now I really want to paint the wood part like a white or even a bluish color, but for now they will do.

I'm all for new things but I have to say there's something pretty awesome about re-purposing old things, recycling them and knowing you made them yourself. It makes them more personal. I love my chairs. Yes the color and pattern is a little blinding but I love them. Soon I'll post a picture with them in the finished kitchen.

Subscribe if you want to see the many more posts of the final result of my apartment.


  1. So flipping cute! I like it how your mom and husband helped. It's quite incredible how much a little bit of color can do. :)

    1. Yeah there's no way I could've done all that by myself. Y eso que solo eran 4 sillas. I love them!
