Monday, February 18, 2013

Father Daughter Ball

Natalie's school had a Father Daughter Ball and they were having people donate dresses for the girls to be able to pick one out for the ball. So Natalie says she wants to go pick one out and I tell her NO, because she has her own dresses. But ofcourse she wanted to pick one out. She comes home with a velvety blue dress that is like 3 sizes to small. So I make her take it back and tell her she'll just wear one of her Sunday dresses. Well then the day before the dance she comes home with this!
It wasn't even a kids dress, it was a teen dress size 1. So I'm like "Ummm no, it's not modest and it's not for a 10 year old girl." But then she ofcourse starts to beg. So she tries it on and I have to say she looked so cute. So I gave in. But we still had to convince her dad.

Well after some sweet talking we convinced him too. I have to admit I wasn't too sure, I mean it made her look older. And it was so sad to see that she's almost a pre teen. She's not my little tiny baby girl anymore.

 Here she was going off to her first dance and getting her corsage from her daddy.

She for sure had the cutest date at the ball.

I'm glad she got to have this experience and I think I don't have to worry about her wearing anymore inmodest dresses because when she came home she shared something with me.

She said, " Mami, everytime I want to wear something inmodest I have a bad experience that proves to me I shouldn't do it. Like when I was little and I had tiny shorts that made me not be able to bend over or play comfortably. At the party I couldn't dance right cause when I wanted to dance and put my arms up the dress would fall or feel like my top would show. And it just was so uncomfortable. I don't want to wear something like that again."

Awww music to my ears.

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