Sunday, December 23, 2012

Big Boy Bed

Finally Jaimito got a bed!

 And the transition was actually pretty easy! Especially because he's right next to his big sister.

He demands the door to be closed because he's scared.

But I think he's loving it because ever since he's been sleeping in his own bed he wakes up til 8 and sometimes even til 9:30! That's way better than before when it was around 7 that he would wake up. And best of all, pregnant me gets a lot more rest too!

Aaaaa my little boy is growing. Good thing he takes after his dad and is a shorty. It makes me feel like he's still my little baby! He's barely half the size of the bed!


Yesterday was my babyshower! I was so excited. I've been lucky enough to have had a shower for each of my kids. Each has been different and special in their own way. For Natalie, I had a HUGE shower. Tons of people came and it was so exciting to celebrate my first baby.
Then with Jaimito, we actually had the shower after he was already born since he came 4 weeks early. It was a much smaller and simple shower but you could feel the love and kidness everyone had for the baby and me!
And now it was my little Sophia's turn.

It was a little last minute since we were waiting to find out what we where having to then have the shower. But as soon as we found out it was a little girl we started planning. Unfortunately because of the last minute and the holiday rush not a lot of people could make it. BUT with the company of the ones who did make it, it was a super fun time!

We had cupcakes and special Hershey bars.

I loved the cake. It was so cute. At first we were thinking of pink and brown for the color scheme but it ended up being green and pink, which was perfect because green is my favorite color.

I actually made the center pieces and was lucky enough to find a bouquet with green and white flowers. I loved the way they came out.

The games where so silly. The bottle drinking race was hilarious and I can't believe I actually won. Poor babies I don't know how they do it cause it was tiring. Especially since we had newborn size bottles.

Then we had a new game where we saw how many clothes pins we could hold in our hand while we had a baby on the other hip. The winner was my sister in law with 22.

And ofcourse we couldn't leave out the famous "guess her belly size" game.

Then they blew up a balloon and put it in their shirts and then tried to tie their shoes. Just like us preggar woman have too. Not too easy.

Then it was gift time! My favorite. Sophia got lots of cute monkey theme clothes and super soft blankets.

The cake was super yummy. I almost didn't want to cut it, it was so cute.

Especially the tiny little candy baby.

Now all there is left to do is have this little girl! Can't wait to meet my little Sophia Abigail Mendez!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Buena Obras Meta #1

Ahora estoy trabajando en mi meta #1 de Buenas Obras la cual enseña acerca del servicio y como es un principio fundamental del Evangelio. Durante dos semanas anote y estuve pendiente de notar los actos de servicio que otros realizaron para mi y para los demas.

La verdad que esto me hiso abrir mis ojos y ver lo bendecida que soy al ver cuanto amor y servicio recibo de mis familiares y semejantes. Pero tristemente tambien me di cuenta que yo no estoy dando el servicio que podria dar.

Me senti mal porque haveces soy rapida en verle los defectos a mis hermanas, hermano o padres y jusgarlos. Me senti como una malagradecida porque ellos realmente hasen mucho por mi y yo soy tan facil de verles lo malo y no lo bueno. Como todo el servicio que ellos me dan a mi. Al contrario, yo podria ser mucho mas servicial con ellos. Cada uno de ellos siempre estan dispuestos a ayudarme sin pensarlo dos veces. Me cuidan, me aman, me apapachan.

Mi esposo dia tras dia me sirve al cuidarme. Ahora que estoy embarasada me a ayudado tanto.

Aqui esta algunas cosas que note y anote en esas dos semanas.

* Mi hermana Alma tiene 5 hijos y una vida muy ocupada, sin embargo siempre esta al pendiente de mi abuelita. Va todos los dias a verla, a darle su medicina, a darle de comer, la lleva al doctor, ect. Yo no se si yo pudiera ser tan servicial como ella. Es un gran ejemplo. Tambien ahora que estoy embarasada me a consentido mucho. Me arreglo mis pantalones de embarasada y un vestido. Siempre me da mis antojos de manzanitas o pan mexicano o cualquier cosa sin que yo se la pida. Ahora asta me quiere hacer mi babyshower.

*Mi hermana Claudia siempre esta dispuesta a darme un ride al doctor y quedarse con Jaimito. Siempre esta al pendiente de mi y si me siento mal. Cuando me enferme luego luego vino por mi y me llevo a la sala de emergencias.

*Mi madre siempre me esta dando de comer. Cuando me siento muy cansada viene a mi casa y cosina. Siempre esta compartiendo sus alimentos con todos sus hijos y sus familias. Los Domingos se esmera por darnos de comer.

*Mi esposo me a dado tanto amor y servicio ahora que estoy en estado y un poco malita. Cocina, limpia, cuida a los niños y todavia tiene energia para cuidarme a mi.

Se me pide que agradesca sus servicios de alguna forma significativa para cumplir esta meta.

La verdad que siento que no hay maneras suficientes para demostrarles mi agradecimiento pero tratare. Pero pienso que al final del dia, la unica manera en la que realmente puedo demostrar mi agradecimiento a ellos y a Dios es dando de mi tiempo y servicio a otros y especialmente a ellos. Realmente el servicio es como un circulo. Uno necesita de otros en ciertos instantes y los demas necesitan de nosotros en otros instantes. Es algo que es un ciclo y que sin la ayuda de otros y su servicio no podriamos vivir.

Estoy grandemente agradecida con Dios por el servicio y ayuda que me brinda por medio de mis seres queridos. Se que soy grandemente bendecida ya que no todos tienen seres queridos que los amen y sirvan como los que tengo yo.