Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pizza making with the Young Woman

This past Friday we had our usual Young Woman mutual. As part of the activity we made pizzas. Our Young Woman President, Lucy, showed us how. I'm amazed at what a talented sister she is. She is just full of talents. She seems to know a little bit of everything and I admire her so much for this.

I'm enjoying being with the girls. Ofcourse it has it's challenges. Sometimes I sit there and think, "Was I really like them as a teenager?" I have to develop patience and understanding.
But I'm loving being there with them. I can't help but think about my years in Young Woman. The impact that a good leader has on a young woman. For me that was Sister Gutierres, she was the Young Woman President when I was in the organisation. I can't help but say "Sister Gutierres use to do this or that" or "I remember when Sister Gutierres did this." I can't remember anything specifically that she said to me or thought me, but I just remember feeling so loved by her. So comfortable around her, I felt like I could come to her with anything. I trusted her completely. That's why I felt so safe coming to her during later years when I was going through hard times. And even now 'til this day I feel the same way about her. When I see her on Sundays I can't help but hug her and express to her my love and gratitude! I love her so much, and I hope that I can be what she is to me to the young woman.

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