He had already learned to fold his arms and close his eyes. He's actually pretty reverant when it comes to praying. He would sit quietly with his head in his arms. But when it came to trying to have him pray it wasn't really working. I actually think he's pretty behind in the talking department, and I find myself comparing him to other 2 year olds and he seems so behind. Yet yesterday night he truly surprised me when David told him to pray so we could have our small Family Home Evening.
David started to say the words so he could repeat and to my surprise Jaimito repeated every word(ofcourse as best as he could). It was the cutest thing ever. We all had to try really hard not to smile and giggle during the prayer cause it was just toooooooooo adorable. His little baby voice repeating all the words and ending his prayer with a clear AMEN.
He loved it so much that this morning he prayed for the food. His big sister is so proud of him. She was so amazed at how he was able to pray. So I guess he'll catch up on the talking department when he's ready but for now he's doing pretty darn good!