Just wanted to share our baking experience. This is our second time baking from scratch and I have to say we are getting better.
The first cookies we made last week were sugar cookies inspired by Rosina Sears. After being at her house and Natalie seeing her have her own recipe book and bake her own sugar cookies Natalie jumped on board. She wanted to get started right away.
Sure our sugar cookies where no where nearly as nice looking or soft as hers. But they were still okay, a little hard and burned but okay!
Now our second try was yesterday and we ventured into peanut butter cookies.
Here I am pretending to know what I'm doing!

And here's Natalie pretending to help! Hahaha, this was her favorite part!

No seriously, she did help a lot! Ofcourse Jaime just watches us do all the work!

Here are some ready to go into the oven.

And here's our final result. A little bit bigger than regular cookies but you know us, we like our food big! hahahaha! But we did much better. They were less burnt, softer, and really good! I'm excited to try new recipes! We need tasters so if you're interested let us know.