I know I'm late on this, but still wanted to share. Jaimito finished his first year of pre-school. He'll have to go another year this fall because of his birthday.
This year he had a wonderful teacher, Mrs. Debbie and her assitant Mrs. Emmie. Mrs. Debbie was wonderful and always had wonderful things to say of Jaimito.
A few facts:
Jaimito hated drinking his milk when it was snack time.
He loved to build things with the blocks. Mrs. Debbie took many pictures of his amazing structures.
He loved playing in the pretend area where the kitchen was.
Yet he didn't really like school to much, many days he would cry because he wanted to stay home.
Yet on days when there was no school he wanted to go!
Here's a link to where I got the idea for the gift we gave his teachers.
Mine was a little different but still just as nice. And what was even better was the price. For both teachers I spent less than $10. I was so thrilled because the pots I got where really nice but cheap.
See you next year Mrs. Debbie.