You know those nightmare where you dream that you are walking around school naked or pantless. And you wake up in sweat (not really) and crying. Hahahaha then you take a big breath of relief when you realize it was just a dream.
Well yesterday my 10 yr. old daughter (who is going to kill me if she finds out I posted this but it was too good to pass by) came home to tell me, "Mom you know that the most embarrasing thing happened to me today!!!!!! When I got to school I realised I forgot to put on my bra!" OMG! "I was so embarrased."
Now granted she's ten, she barely has anything that would actually show. It's not even a bra, it's a training bra, more like a mini sport bra. But for her it was the worst. I can only imagine, she probably felt like I would feel if I walked out of the house without a bra. Hahahaha I didn't laugh in her face, but behind closed doors I couldn't stop laughing. Poor baby.
Then this morning as I'm picking up I walk into her room and see this written on her calendar:
Hahahahaahha I live for these moments. Can't wait to show this post to her when she's older and tell the story to her future kids hahahaha.