A couple of Fridays ago we had our Achievement Day that was all about hair. I actually got the inspiritation from the blog, LDS Activity Day Ideas.
We did our own version. My 2nd counselor is a hairstylist so she was perfect for this class. She came in and first read from For the Strength of the Youth booklet were it talks about the correct way to dress and carry ourselves. She then talked about the correct way to wash our hair, brush it and how to use certain products and tools. She then proceeded to do some simple hairstyles on the girls that they can wear on Sundays or to school.
The girls loved it and were super excited to get their hair done.
They were great helpers too.
They all ended up looking beautiful.
And you can tell by their faces that they enjoyed this activity very much.
Hope this inspires you guys to do your own version of this activity.
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