Tomorrow is our Primary activity, EL DIA DEL NIñO! I have a lot to do and many ideas. I went over to my Pinterest account and looked through my Party board and decided to go with this cute project for the center of the tables. Here's a link to check it out.

I already had the pots. A very nice lady at a garage sale last year gave me a bunch for free. All I needed were the styrofoam balls and the lollipops. Unfortunately the primary has a tight budget so I wanted to do the shopping at the Dollar Tree store. I couldn't find the styrofoam or the lollipops so I had to improvise, which I don't mind too much because I like to get inspired by pinterest but still do my own thing, not just completely copy all the time. So here's my final project.
Yes I know, it's not as cute as the original but I had to work with what I had and the time I had. I used the bottom parts of the pots instead of the actual pots. I had these flat styrofoam circles which I painted green. I had to buy these lollipops instead and then I just pushed them in the styrofoam.
I was planning on putting fake little leaves on the lollipop sticks but I couldn't get around to it. I'm sure it would have added extra cuteness points.
I still like the result. I think they will look cute on the tables and the kids can snatch the lollipops at the end.
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