When we finally moved out we were so excited to finally have a permanent normal pressure shower head all to ourselves!!!!!
NOT! Our new apartment's shower has horrible water pressure. It's my mom's shower all over again except I can't change the setting here. Aaaaaaa it's so horrible. We bought a new shower head thinking it would fix the problem but no luck. (anybody have any recommendations) I'm so miserable, I like me some strong water hitting me on my back. So as a result it's super hard to get my hair truly washed and clean. No matter how long I try to wet it, how much I scrub, how many times I shampoo it, I can't seem to get all the gunk and hair product out. It so reminds me of the Seinfeld episode and I picture Jerry's and Kramer's hair! LOL! Any Seinfeld fans!!!!!!!
Sooooooooooo, I decided to try something I had cut out of a magazine.
First here's a before picture. You can't see it too well but my most troublesome spots are on the top where tons of flakes come out from not being able to get all the product off. (and no it's not dandruff)
You then get a cup of Apple cider vinegar. Use more if you have extra long hair or tons of hair. You pour over wet unwashed hair and then wash and condition as usual. You're suppose to do it once a week according to the magazine's directions.
Please be careful, I unfortunately got some in my eyes and it was not a very pleasent thing. I quickly rinsed my eyes and was fine.
Here are the results. Overall I'm pretty happy of the results . My hair was a lot cleaner but I still had a tiny bit of the flakes but I think that was related to the low pressure. I'm pretty sure that with a stronger water flow the results would've been way better.
I did notice that my hair was super extra shiny, more than the usual. So I liked that. And overall it did feel a lot cleaner and now it's been a few days after and my hair didn't get greasy as fast as it did before. So I think that this might be something I will try to keep up with, minus the vinegar in the eyes!
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