I love Christmas. I'm pretty sure everyone does. But lately my holidays have been a little disturbed by some extreme views.
I think that by now we all know the true meaning of Christmas. We know that it's not all about gifts and parties but about celebrating the birth of Christ. We know it's about giving and not receiving, we know it's about service and loving one another. WE KNOW! And it's up to each one of us to take what we know and celebrate Christmas as we choose.

Personally I respect each person's views and choices. If you're a Jehovah Witness and don't celebrate it than I respect that. If you choose to not give gifts and only focus on the spiritual aspect of it, than I respect that. I won't ever try to enforce my traditions and my believes on anyone else. Than why can't some people give the same respect back?

As far as I know, as an LDS, I'm allowed to celebrate Christmas. Growing up in the church we had wonderful Christmas devotionals as well as memorable parties. Memories of Hermano Puente dressing up as Santa Claus, breaking piñatas, eating, dancing, and of course singing hymns, giving service, etc.

Yes, our leaders, and even the prophet have reminded year after year to not let the hustle and bustle of the season suck us in. To always keep the true meaning of Christmas alive. BUT they have never ever said , "WE ARE AGAINST THE TRADITION OF SANTA CLAUS" "WE DISAGREE WITH HAVING PIñATAS AND PARTIES" "IT HAS TO ALL BE STRICTLY SPIRITUAL AND THAT MEANS NOTHING THAT IS REMOTELY FUN"

NEVER! So why is it that now so many members of the church seem to be going to the extremes. They seem to think that the church means living like some type of nun, or that being rightous is living in some sort of bubble. And that's not even the problem, because if that's what they believe that's fine with me, what I can't seem to understand is why they expect everyone else to abide by what they think is right.

My ward no longer has a Halloween party because these people seem to say that the Church is against it, that Halloween is of the devil. Ummm than why is every other stake having Halloween parties? So the leaders who approve them are wrong and they are right. PLUS, the church has always told us not to allow our kids to dress as devils, or monsters, or satanic things. We take it more as a costume and candy party for fun. But they seem to be so offended, they even go as far as to attack you for it, trying to make you feel like you're evil for not agreeing with them. WHAT? And now Christmas. Gone are our wonderful, spiritual AND fun parties because of these few members who seem to think that we are sinning for telling our kids there is a Santa Claus. They're against having a dance after the spiritual part of the party, or even to having piñatas.

Really. They even go as far as to say that the CHURCH is against all of that, yet where is there one single speach or paper or talk or letter or scripture where they say this. Don't you think that if the CHURCH was against all this the prophet wouldn't personally come out and say this to us. Wouldn't he make it clear like other religions where they are against all of this. If the prophet where to say that we are not to celebrate with festivities or that Santa Claus shouldn't be a part of Christmas traditions than I would absolutely follow his words but to change everything because of a few members who take things to the extreme, really?

Does it really make someone more holier than me because they don't tell their kids there's a Santa Claus? Am I a sinner because I like to dance at my Christmas party? My best memories of Christmas is not only giving service with my family or singing hymns at church and home, or reading of the birth of Christ. But also of the excitement of Santa Claus, looking forward to wonderful parties with my ward and family. And what, now my kids don't get to enjoy that because some people want to enforce fake laws they make up themselves out of self rightousness? My dad said that he was reading the Liahona, and he read how the pioneers celebrated with music and dancing, others with caroling, others made gifts to give to the kids, etc. But I guess now some people think that to truly be a rightous LDS you can't do any celebrating. Makes me wonder if these people who are so rightous are trying to make up for other short comings. Sorry I'm so upset, but it just makes me so mad when they don't respect other people. One of the daughter's of one of these members keep attacking Natalie about the Santa Claus thing. Without anyone even bringing up the subject they have to bring it up themselves and then start bullying Natalie for believing in Santa. Maybe these parents should take some time off from imposing their believes on others and teach their daughter how bullying other kids about their believes is also a sin and is wrong. I know we are not perfect, the gospel is but we are not. And it's sad that this goes on, and it's sad that I'm this upset about it. I know I shouldn't let it get to me and I should just let it be. But it really upsets me. Next thing you know we won't be able to celebrate New Years because it's not a spiritual holiday and we'll go to hell for giving chocolate bunnies on Easter.
P.S. I put up pictures of my little family at a Christmas parade to brighten up the blog! Hahaha!
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