Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas with no Santa Claus.

I love Christmas. I'm pretty sure everyone does. But lately my holidays have been a little disturbed by some extreme views.

I think that by now we all know the true meaning of Christmas. We know that it's not all about gifts and parties but about celebrating the birth of Christ. We know it's about giving and not receiving, we know it's about service and loving one another. WE KNOW! And it's up to each one of us to take what we know and celebrate Christmas as we choose.
Personally I respect each person's views and choices. If you're a Jehovah Witness and don't celebrate it than I respect that. If you choose to not give gifts and only focus on the spiritual aspect of it, than I respect that. I won't ever try to enforce my traditions and my believes on anyone else. Than why can't some people give the same respect back?

As far as I know, as an LDS, I'm allowed to celebrate Christmas. Growing up in the church we had wonderful Christmas devotionals as well as memorable parties. Memories of Hermano Puente dressing up as Santa Claus, breaking piñatas, eating, dancing, and of course singing hymns, giving service, etc. Yes, our leaders, and even the prophet have reminded year after year to not let the hustle and bustle of the season suck us in. To always keep the true meaning of Christmas alive. BUT they have never ever said , "WE ARE AGAINST THE TRADITION OF SANTA CLAUS" "WE DISAGREE WITH HAVING PIñATAS AND PARTIES" "IT HAS TO ALL BE STRICTLY SPIRITUAL AND THAT MEANS NOTHING THAT IS REMOTELY FUN"NEVER! So why is it that now so many members of the church seem to be going to the extremes. They seem to think that the church means living like some type of nun, or that being rightous is living in some sort of bubble. And that's not even the problem, because if that's what they believe that's fine with me, what I can't seem to understand is why they expect everyone else to abide by what they think is right. My ward no longer has a Halloween party because these people seem to say that the Church is against it, that Halloween is of the devil. Ummm than why is every other stake having Halloween parties? So the leaders who approve them are wrong and they are right. PLUS, the church has always told us not to allow our kids to dress as devils, or monsters, or satanic things. We take it more as a costume and candy party for fun. But they seem to be so offended, they even go as far as to attack you for it, trying to make you feel like you're evil for not agreeing with them. WHAT? And now Christmas. Gone are our wonderful, spiritual AND fun parties because of these few members who seem to think that we are sinning for telling our kids there is a Santa Claus. They're against having a dance after the spiritual part of the party, or even to having piñatas.

Really. They even go as far as to say that the CHURCH is against all of that, yet where is there one single speach or paper or talk or letter or scripture where they say this. Don't you think that if the CHURCH was against all this the prophet wouldn't personally come out and say this to us. Wouldn't he make it clear like other religions where they are against all of this. If the prophet where to say that we are not to celebrate with festivities or that Santa Claus shouldn't be a part of Christmas traditions than I would absolutely follow his words but to change everything because of a few members who take things to the extreme, really? Does it really make someone more holier than me because they don't tell their kids there's a Santa Claus? Am I a sinner because I like to dance at my Christmas party? My best memories of Christmas is not only giving service with my family or singing hymns at church and home, or reading of the birth of Christ. But also of the excitement of Santa Claus, looking forward to wonderful parties with my ward and family. And what, now my kids don't get to enjoy that because some people want to enforce fake laws they make up themselves out of self rightousness? My dad said that he was reading the Liahona, and he read how the pioneers celebrated with music and dancing, others with caroling, others made gifts to give to the kids, etc. But I guess now some people think that to truly be a rightous LDS you can't do any celebrating. Makes me wonder if these people who are so rightous are trying to make up for other short comings. Sorry I'm so upset, but it just makes me so mad when they don't respect other people. One of the daughter's of one of these members keep attacking Natalie about the Santa Claus thing. Without anyone even bringing up the subject they have to bring it up themselves and then start bullying Natalie for believing in Santa. Maybe these parents should take some time off from imposing their believes on others and teach their daughter how bullying other kids about their believes is also a sin and is wrong. I know we are not perfect, the gospel is but we are not. And it's sad that this goes on, and it's sad that I'm this upset about it. I know I shouldn't let it get to me and I should just let it be. But it really upsets me. Next thing you know we won't be able to celebrate New Years because it's not a spiritual holiday and we'll go to hell for giving chocolate bunnies on Easter.

P.S. I put up pictures of my little family at a Christmas parade to brighten up the blog! Hahaha!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

All at once.

I'm still kind of shocked. I'm actually speechless. And that is super duper rare for me. But I knew I had to blog about this so that I will never forget this moment.

I have been crying, begging, fighting, praying, wishing, hoping and dreaming that David would one day decide to come back to church and become active and use his priesthood and go back to the temple. But I have to say I had kind of given up hope.

But then something happened. They couldn't find his record. To make a long story short, since they didn't have this information Natalie's baptism and confirmation weren't valid and most importantly our sealing wasn't valid either. We had to find that information or do the ordinances again. Now we had tried getting the info but we just couldn't find it. So what was left was to wait for David to decide if it was important enough for him to get active in the church again to be able to soon perform these ordinances again.

But to tell you the truth things weren't looking too good. He has his usual reluctant self. So I wasn't expecting anything. I had asked the missionaries who come to eat to be a little bit more pushy with him about this subject. Also around this time we had just found out that a sister from our ward who had moved to Florida had lost her 2 year old daughter in a pool accident. So this might have also got him to thinking about our sealing.

I really do feel like the missionaries were the one to make this miracle happen. They gave us such a wonderful and heartfelt message and let him know this was no playing matter. They actually asked him for a time line to get this done and to my surprise he said he would go to church on Sunday. I couldn't believe it. Many elders have talked to him before, many elders had given him heartfelt messages, many elders had asked him to come to church and he would always say NO. Here we were sitting with the elders and he had just agreed to come to church on Sunday. We were so excited and we told him that if he wanted we would tell the bishop to not give him any callings and to just let him ease back in to the ward. To which he gave me such a surprising answer, "No, how can I refuse a calling if the bishop gives it to me." I just don't get it sometimes. David is not one to share much with anybody even me. So sometimes I don't really know his feelings towards the gospel or his understanding of it. But at moments like that, with answers like that, make me feel confident and secure that he does understand the gospel enough to respect the bishop.

Now this all had happened last Tuesday. So from Tuesday to Sunday, there were still 4 long days in between. I didn't want to get my hopes up like I had done before and then be dissapointed on Sunday when he changes his mind. We didn't talk about it or say anything. Then Friday rolled around when we have to go to church for mutual and institute class and so forth. Now usually he would hide out in a room playing DSI or something but the past two Fridays he had actually gone to class. Now I don't know if this had to do with the fact that we had lost the DSI or that he actually decided to go to class. Whatever it was I'll take it. Well then the bishop got us for our thithing interview and I kind of gave him the heads up.

So we're in there talking and the subject of the lost records comes up and I let him know that we tried our best and we just can't find the information. So he goes on to tell us that what are we going to do. David then says come to church. I mean it still hasn't sucken in. I'm sitting here typing this and still can't believe how something I had been wanting and praying for over 3 years was finally happening without any warning that such a thing would happen. The bishop than says that he wants to give him the calling of first counselor in the Y.M. presidency to which I thought he would say no. But ofcourse guess what he says, "YES". Really? What's going on here. He accepts the calling and we end with a prayer. I hug the bishop, (who has been in our lives since the beggining of our relationship) and leave the office in tears. I go to the bathroom, clean my tears and walk out still in shock.

Sunday comes and I try to act normal. I get the kids ready and then ask him for his clothes to iron and I notice the t.v. hadn't been turned on. Something rare in for our usual Sunday routine. He did tell me there was a Bears game at 12 to which I start getting a little nervous but I go down to iron our clothes. When I come back up the t.v. is on and their watching the game. I know some of you may think this is horrible. I really use to think, (well I still do) that it should be all or nothing. But I've come to the conclusion that we are all different (duh), and that some people have such a transformation in their lifes that they do change everything, but others (like David) have become numb to the spirit. They know what they have to do, but it's been so long (or most of their lives) that for them it takes small steps to get back on track and build a testimony that was never there or that was too weak from the beginning. Especially because I don't know what made David suddenly choose to jump right back into church. I don't know what gave him the courage to just do what he knows is right even though he might not feel a full desire to do it, but that he's doing cause he knows it's right. So that's why I understand him, understand that he might not change 100% overnight. He might now stop watching tv on Sundays right away but atleast he's finally doing what he knows is right even if he's not sure he's ready to do it.

So we went to church and I have to say it was one of the best Sundays I have ever had. Y.W.'s class was so touching. Reminding me of my individual worth and reminding me that I have a special purpose in being here on earth on these last days. Then being able to sit in Sunday class with my husband. I didn't have to sit there alone anymore, I had my partner with me.

Then sacrament meeting was the most spiritual one I had been in in a long time. I don't think I had ever felt the spirit surround us all as much as it did this past Sunday. I had prayed that it would be that way so that David could feel it and be reassured that his choice was the right one. I'm sure he felt it, there was no denying it. It was very special having the bishop announce his new calling as Davis stood up. Everyones testimony was wonderful and especially Natalie's who thanked Heavenly Father for having her dad at church with her finally. She then came down and hugged her father and told him she was so happy and thankful to have him there with her. Afterward he was officially ordained by Brother Garnica, accompanied by my brother in law Omar and my brother Juan.

So you can imagine how felt, how I feel. Yes I'm nervous and scared. I know the adversary is going to work hard against us now that David has chosen to do the right. But I will not let it touch us, we will persevere. I know it's still a long path for David, he needs to regain his lost testimony and the love for the gospel that he knows is true. But I'm just so thankful that he finally allowed himself to take the first right step back to the straight and narrow path.

Now more than ever, I know that Heavenly Father knows when it's the right time for him to give us the blessings that we ask him for. And even when we are unworthy of them he showers us with them. When we least expect it, he not only give us what we asked for but plenty more. I wanted David to come back to church but I didn't know how that would be possible. Then H.F. finds a way to make a problem a blessing, and not only have him go to church but to accept a calling right away. A calling were we'll be able to work together, a calling were I know he will grow and bless the lives of the youth.

I couldn't have asked for a better gift this Christmas season.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Integrity - Goal #2

As I asked myself the questions in goal #2 of Integrity I realized I was failing almost all of them.

Do I avoid gossip, innapropriate jokes, cussing, and making light of sacred things? Am I completely truthful, moraly clean, honest, worthy of trust in my studyies and other activities?

I realize that I have a lot to change, a lot to progress, a lot to do. I'm so thankful that I am able to serve in the Young Woman presidency because it has given me motivation to work harder to live rigthously and to have the help of the Young Woman Personal Progress.

As I went over these questions I realized that I am not living with Integrity. I really want to try harder to break my bad habits that make me not worthy of answering these questions without guilt. I really want to focus on not gossiping as much as I do. It's sad but it's a habit that is deeply woven into my daily living. I easily critize others and in turn gossip about them. I really need to learn to keep somethings to myself, even if I think I'm right I need to just stay quite. I know it's going to be super hard, but I'm going to try to remember my goal wheneve I'm tempted. And I will try to pray whenever I'm in a situation where I might gossip, even if it's just a prayer in my mind but I will ask for strength to overcome this temptation.

I also need to work hard at not laughing or joining in on innapropriate jokes or taking sacred matters lightly. It's a habit I picked up when I became inactive and I haven't been able to quite rid of myself of this habit. I will try very hard to remember that such things are an abomination to my Heavenly Father. I need to remember my goal and the type of person I want to become.

I need to have true faith and not have one ounce of doubt that I can do this. I need to truly believe that through my effort and Heavenly Father on my side I can overcome these flaws of mine. Perfection will not be reached in this life, but I know that I can make it so that I can be more good than bad!

The Good Old Days of Halloween

When I was a kid, Halloween was almost as cool as Christmas. I loved it. It was perfect. It meant the beginning of my favorite season, FALL. With the air feeling crisp, the trees starting to become bare, colorful leaves all over the floor. Then we had our cool Halloween party at school to look forward to. Free candy galore. Even church parties were fun.

A lot has changed since then. Mostly for worse. Schools banning candy for so called healthier choices! WHAT? Really people, this seems logical to you? It's like banning presents on Christmas. I mean I'm all for healthier kids, blah blah blah, but do you really think that taking candy away from the one day dedicated to candy, is really going to change anything. It's so sad how the days of taking your costume with joy to school are gone. The days were you could wear some paint on your face (example. clown make-up), and wear your costume for most of the day, and then pass out candy to all your classmates. Now they only get to wear their costumes for like the last 15 minutes of the day, do a parade outside, and then that's it. NO CANDY, only trinkets! Really? Yeah cause what they love is pencils and erasers for Halloween!
Second complaint, I don't ever ever ever remember anyone in church complaining about Halloween or making some big deal or statement against it when I was growing up. If someone didn't agree with it or didn't like it they simply didn't participate and that's it. I always remember sometimes having church costume parties and they were so much fun. Now all of a sudden these past years, there seems to be such a contreversy among the members against Halloween. What?! Yeah, we all know we shouldn't encourage devil costumes, or ghosts, or evil things, blah blah blah.......but what if we love dressing up as angels, clowns, doctors, etc. and then getting FREE candy!!!!? And I'm sorry, if my bishop says it's okay with him that we celebrate than why should YOU attack me for celebrating it. As long as our Prophet doesn't come out and tell us that we are NOT to trick or treat or that we are not to have ward costume parties than darn it, I'm going to get my Halloween ON! BUt don't come and attack everyone else who chooses to celebrate.

Phew, feels nice to get it off my chest. Now moving on, the only good thing that has changed is the weather. Well hopefully it's not Global Warming cause then I guess it's not a good change. But I'm loving that my kids get to show off their costumes while trick or treating. I remember the cold, breezy, and sometimes rainy days that we had on Halloween. Not that it stopped me from going. But hahahaha, I remember my mom telling me to put my coat on, and my gloves, and my scarf and sweat pants over my costume. To the point that you couldn't see a piece of it, you could hardly make out what my costume was. Now they get to prance around with their costume all out!

This Halloween was one of the best for my kids. It was so funny how Jaime was excited about it all day. He had been wearing his Green Lanterns Costume for over a month now and today was no exeption. He wore it all day and was ready to go trick or treating since early in the morning. I had to keep reminding him that we had to wait for Natalie. Now this costume comes with a ring that we had very carefully watched so that we wouldn't loose it for the big day. He actually amazed me how watchful he was of his ring, whenever he was done playing he would put it back into his costume bag. But ofcourse, life has a way of playing with us, that ofcourse he had to loose it hours before going out to trick or treat. Well this boy would not leave without it. He was crying up a storm for it. Here we were, two crazy parents looking for a needle in a haystack. We looked and looked, and moved everything and nothing. I had given up and was ready to just call it a day, when like a hero David comes down with it. It had been hidden in our closet inside one of my shoes. And like magic, Jaime's tears were gone and off we went.

Him and Natalie were quite the scardy cats though. They were pretty much scared of all the scary costumes. But unlike other years they did last longer and walked until it was dark. We came home with two full bags of goodies. Still, they can compeat with their mother's record of walking all of Blue Island and filling tons of bags of candy with her sister Alma.

The other cute and addoring thing that happened is that Jaimito met his heroes. He's been really into all the superheros this year. He's loving Wolverine, Green Lantern, Hulk, Batman, Spider Man, Iron Man, Captain America and Thor. But he LOVES Wolverine and Hulk. Well as we arrived to a church costume party he spotted none other than Wolverine. His reaction was priceless. He couldn't believe it, he couldn't stop saying his name and ran over to him. It ended up being one of his cousins. To him this was WOLVERINE. He couldn't stop staring at him. As you can see in this picture, he just stared at him in amasement.
Then cam BATMAN. Another cousin of his. He was in love with him. The funny part is that they were born one day apart, they looked so cute together. He would not leave Batman alone the whole night, he basically became his shadow.

To him he had really met his heroes. It got me thinking how much I would've loved to have experience this too. When I went to Disney World I was already like 8 or 9 years old, and even though I was a very innocent kid, I still knew that these were costumes. Ofcourse, I played along for my dad's sake. Didn't wanna brake his fantasy that I still truly believed in these characters. But I wish I could've been Jaimito's age, cause then maybe I could've felt what he felt. I would've really thought I was standing in front of Snow White or Cinderella. He probably won't remember his experience, but I will and it's priceless.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Natalie turns 9!

So my Natalie is now 9 years old. WOW! It had been awhile since I had made her a big party with a lot of guest and a big theme. So this year I have to say we really did go all out. Ofcourse the theme was SOCCER! She's so into it. She's been playing for like the past two years non stop all year. So it wasn't difficult to find a way to incorporate soccer into her party, starting with this piñata that Lucy made for her.

This was around the beginning of the day. We were preparing for the party. I love this picture because even though my gramma didn't want to take a picture, it ended up looking so sweet. I really like it. And this one of my two babies is another favorite. I can't believe how different they look yet at the same time they look so alike. Look at those eyes! Can anyone say "SMIZING" haahaha!I really have to give my mom all the credit for the food. She worked so hard. She had been working on food since the night before and woke up very early the next day to start cooking. She made carnitas, rice, green spaghetti, potato salad, and the list could go on and on.

Look at these carnitas. Nothing can taste better than being cooked in lard! haha MMMMM!

We all wore our soccer jerseys. Here's her daddy with a Guatemala jersey and Natalie with her jersey that her gramma brought her straight from Mexico.

Ofcourse she had to show off that her jersey was from el CHICHARITO the best player in the world right now!

I didn't have my jersey on yet, but I ended up wearing a PUMAS jersey.

The party was slowing getting started. Here she is with her BFF Celina! They're so cute together!

Here's some of her many guests. They played tons of soccer in my mom's yard. Poor grass, my mom was crying over it! hahaha!

Then instead of having official birthday games we decided to go behind the baseball field by our house and play soccer games. It ended up being the best idea ever. Everyone loved it. It was 4 teams of kids and adults playing soccer. Everyone had so much fun.

Afterwards our piñata was one of a kind because we didn't break it the regular way. We kicked it open. Instead of hitting it with a stick, we had the kids kick it. They really enjoyed it, and I thought it was much safer than having a kid swinging a stick around! :)

Ofcourse like always the piñata falls off the rope before it gets broken so it has become our favorite tradition to make it rain with candy!

And my brother is the best at it! We always hand him the candy and he starts to throw them.

Now I don't recommened everyone to do this because it's a dangerous sport, but our kids are use to it already. But if you do maybe you should pass out some head gear because in the process there will be some swollen heads and one or two kids crying. hahahaha! But it's so much fun!

The cake was delicious. My sister Alma brought it. It was almost too pretty to actually cut.

Here are all the kids at her party. More than half of them are all family!

It was such a fun and successful party. Some people think that it's a waste of money to make this types of parties. But I have to say that every cent spent was worth it. Seeing the anticipation in my daughter for her party. Then being able to have so many friends and family together. Sharing a good dinner, laughing, talking, and celebrating together has no price. I think that all the adults had as much fun as the kids, I know I did! And thanks to a wonderful husband who was wonderful and so helpful the whole day. I couldn't have done it without him. I got to reunite with old friends and got to meet new ones. All in all, it is now such a wonderful memory!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Young Woman Personal Progress

I never finished my Young Woman's Personal Progress and I had never really thought about finishing it now. But ever since I've been working with the Young Woman I've been motivated to work on it.

For some reason is seems like such a hard thing to do. I remember that as a youth it was hard for me to work on the goals. Like our girls, I would too, look for the easiest ones that only required to read a scripture and write in your diary. Sadly now, I find myself doing the same thing. Our Y.W. president keeps telling them that it's such an easy thing to do that they should be working on it easily. But I can relate to the girls so much. I mean it should be an easy thing to do, to live the gospel. If we're living the gospel than the goals should be easy to complete. BUT just as in my youth, I find myself not being able to commit to the goals. They require a committment, they require a desire to truly live the gospel in every aspect. That's why this program is so important. So important that we help our youth follow through with it with our support. Because if I choose to actually do these goals they'll help me break bad habits and form good ones. It requires me too choose today "to whom I'll serve". And it's sad that many times I skip over a goal because it requires me to do more than just sit here, say I believe in Christ but not truly live Christlike. Maybe if I would've had more support in my youth to actually try to do my Personal Progress and I would've put more effort into it, maybe just maybe, I would've made better decisions or atleast had some "personal progress".

But now I'm here, in present time. I look at this book and realize that there should be a Adult Woman Personal Progress!!! I realize that I need this just as much as I needed it when I was 15. Can I finally choose to push myself to truly make changes to live more Christlike? Can I finish my Personal Progress?

Well I start today. After reading the scriptures required for the first goal in Virtue, I will now write my thoughts in my "journal".

I now realize the blessing I could've received if I would've worked harder to be a woman full of Virtue. But now that I'm married, I realize that I can still try to be a woman of Virtue. Sadly in the past I have failed at this again and again. The temptations of the world can sometimes be more alluring when our spirits are weak. But I need to focus in the present and realize that through God's grace it's never to late to live virtuously. As I read Proverbs 31:10-31 I realized that to be a Virtouse woman is not just refering to being sexually clean but that it encompasses a lot more. Being a good wife and mother, being worthy of our husband's love. Always speaking kind words, being ready to always lend a helping hand. So many other traits that I thought of as I read these scriptures. I hope that as I strive to be brave and complete my Y.W. goals I can truly make progress in the way I live my life. I hope that I can be a good example to my daughter as she prepares to one day also be in Y.W. I hope that I can one day give her the right support and motivation so that she can accomplish her Y.W. goals and hopefully have life learning moments.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gramma got me thinking.....

About a week ago I went to pick up my gramma at her apartment to bring her over our house and on the way there ofcourse we were chatting. I don't quite remember how we got into the topic about her knowing how to sow clothing but we did. She then told me that she was self thaught to which I responded, "Seriously, you mean nobody thaught you or you didn't go to school or something?!"

Let me give you a little background on my gramma so you can understand why I was so surprised. She pretty much made all my sister's clothes when they were little and lived in Mexico. I hear stories about how my sister's had a friend who was more well off and always had new clothes and since my sister's couldn't afford new clothes my gramma would make them the exact type of style of clothing for them. They tell me how most of the time my gramma's clothing would come out even nicer and they would be the center of attraction at functions and stuff. That's not to show off but more to give you an idea of the quality of work my gramma would do.

She has also been asked to make several wedding dresses, including my own sister in law's dress. It was beautiful. She has made almost all her skirts through out her life time. Her age now stops her from being able to make much clothing anymore but she can still pull out great pieces when asked too.

This brings us back to our conversation. I asked her how she had learned.
She said that out of necessity, of not having money to buy her kids clothes, she found herself needing to make them. She said she started off by just undoing the article of clothing and then tracing the outline of it onto the fabric, cutting it out, and then sewing it together. She continue to sow and to better her techniques. She can't quite remember how she perfected her craft or how she learned the right way of fabricating pieces, but she does know it was all by herself and her desire to learn. She made sure to learn from others by watching, from books, ect.

I can't express how amazed and proud I felt for my gramma at that instant. BUT I also felt so ashamed and small next to her. I mean how often have I said " I wish I could learn this or that, but I can't cause I don't have the money to pay for classes." or "I don't have the time." I started thinking about my generation, and how lazy we have become. I mean yes we are two different generations but we truly have more advantages then their generation. We have everything at our fingertips to learn anything we want. I mean all we have to do is google it or go on YOUTUBE and it'll teach us anything we want. But if we're not taking a class we think we can't truly learn something. I guess it motivated me to start learning all those things I want to learn even if I can't learn them in a class setting. Like photography or drawing................the possibilities are endless. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing paying for classes to learn something, I would still do that in a heart beat. I'm talking about the ability to use our time efficiently and our ability to be able to learn more than we are learning currently. To know that we can self teach ourselves many other things, hobbies, and interests. I hope one day I can be talking to my grandchildren and tell them that their Abuela learned to play the piano on her own or to grow an awesome garden all by herself just by reading books!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Third grade here we come.

We were very excited on Tuesday night to get ready for the first day of school. I had told Natalie multiple times that her bed time would go back into effect and that she needed to be well rested. Unfortunately I think that I drilled that too much into her head that it stressed her out and as a result she couldn't fall asleep and kept worrying about waking up tired. We cleaned her room and she found this. It did help a little bit cause after much tossing and turning she fell asleep.

She did fall asleep pretty late so she woke up a little bit tired. I tried to make this day as special as possible for both of us. I made her pancakes for breakfast and then we got her all ready. This year they have to wear uniforms. I don't like that but I kinda like that it's red with blue and not the usual white with blue.

And for her hair, we had been deliberating all week, we decided to go with a side ponytail with a hair clip on it. Very chic and pretty I think!
Here she is with her new bookbag given to her by her Aunt Maria. It's funny though, cause I think the bookbag is bigger than her.
Here we bumped into our neighbors who were also celebrating the first day of school with pictures and family. So we took advantage and also snapped some pictures with them. The boy next to her is her buddy Lewis who once again is in her class this year. Here they are again. Hahaha so stiff next to eachother for the picture.

At the bus stop she let her silly side out. I was surprised how loving and happy she was with me to be there with her at the stop. Last year I never really walked her to the bus because Jaime would wake up really early and cry so I couldn't walk her to the bus. But this year he sleeps later so I told her I would be walking her to the stop and her reply was "WHY?" I said BECAUSE! And she kept saying WHY? I said are you embarrased of me? She said No but that then she would have to stand there without playing tag. I told her she could still play but that I would still have to go. Hahaha! So I was pretty surprised when she was happy about me being there. And she even asked me to please keep going and she loved our whole morning routine! Ah those words brought a big old smile to my face and warm fuzzy feelings in my heart!

Jaimito and me went to pick her up at the bus stop after school. We walked home and sat on the steps and talked about her day. She told me all about it and it was just the perfect ending to her first day of school!

Jaimito and more Jaimito.

Okay so I know that lately it seems like all I talk about is Jaimito and I've forgotten about Natalie. It's not that, I love my Natalie and she gives me plenty of things to smile about. Maybe it's cause I didn't get to enjoy this age with Natalie and now that I'm getting to experience it with Jaime I'm enjoying it so much. The other day David got us ice cream from Baskin Robbins and Jaimito was pretty busy going at it.

Hahahaha look at that chocolate lipstick on him. Hahahaha looks good on him.

Before anybody freaks out about this smooch he just caught me off guard. He loves to give me huge kisses. Plus yes, in my family we kiss in the mouth. I kiss my mom and gramma in the mouth. I kiss my kids in the mouth. David kisses his kids in the mouth. Our choice so please reserve your comments about it.
I also caught these adorable pictures of my two honeys playing together after waking up on Saturday morning!

I love love love my Jaimito. I'm enjoying every milestone and every new thing he gives me everyday.