That's where my next story comes in.
See ever since David graduated from school everyone asks me the typical question, "So what does David do? What's his career title?" And I always respond, "Electronic Technician" because that's what he told me. But then they ask, what is that, or what does he do? And the truth is that I can never quite explain it cause I don't think I truly understand it either. But what I also always get is, "so does that mean he can fix electronics? like a t.v. or radio.?" and the answer is NO! Then when I go and ask David himself what it is that he does at work or what his title is he looses me in the mummble jumble! So I just gave up.
Then usually he's always wanting to open things up and "fix" them but I never let him cause I don't trust that he can fix them. But I was becoming so frustrated with not having a camera that finally I just told him to try to fix it, either ways I had nothing to loose. And I was hoping that whatever it is that he learned to do in school would hopefully help him fix it.
Well he opened it up and played with it. I fell asleep and he still hadn't fixed it. The next thing I know he's up in my face taking pictures of me sleeping and showing off on how he had fixed it.
So yes, he fixed the camera. I asked him what he did and he said that he just cleaned it and gave it maintance. Well whatever he did it worked. I may not know for sure what it is that he knows how to do but atleast I can say he knows how to fix our camera! Atleast it works for now. And thank goodness because I was having camera withdrawal. Now I can finally snap away!
Wow! I am impressed! You need to have more faith in this man Martha!