Sometimes I feel like I should only blog if something is going on or something happened, but I realized that today I felt like blogging about fall. Even if my camera broke, (wich is driving me crazy) I still wanted to share my feelings today even with no pictures from my camera!
I love Autumn! I really really love Fall! But I realized that I usually don't take time to enjoy it. Before I know it, it's gone and Winter's here. But this Fall I feel like I'm finally endulging in it! It's almost like this move which seemed so negative actually opened a window for me to enjoy it more than I have ever before.

I have now been outside almost everyday. I have taken the most pleasent walks with my kids and just enjoyed the wonderful fall weather. I mean what is best than Fall. We've walked through the leaves, looked at the beautiful colors of the trees and their falling leaves. That sweet crisp, cool smell of Fall. I just love it all.

Yesterday I went with Jaimito and my Sister Claudia and her two youngest daughters to a fieldtrip to an apple orchard. Oh my goodness, it was like Fall paradise for me. Even the ride there which was rather long was so pleasent. The scenary was so beautiful. There was a rainbow of trees everywhere and fields of green grass. It literally made me smile. It just put me in such a good mood, it made me feel so good. I couldn't help but feel so blessed that I had eyes to see all of this beauty. It made me feel so positive, upbeat, and just happy to be alive. I couldn't describe what I was feeling but it was just what I needed. Then when we got to the place it was so cute and you couldn't get any more Autumn than that. The farm, the hay ride, the apple orchard, the farm animals! I felt I was in paradise, especially seeing Jaimito just run wild through the leaf covered ground.

I'm going to try to enjoy every last minute of this beautiful Autumn weather before it gets too cold. Before all the colors of the leaves go away and fall to the ground. Now whenever I feel down or sad I'll remember those spectacular views of what Heavenly Father has blessed us with.
I wish I was some talented writer who knew how to write with wonderful words to describe Autumn, but since I'm not I leave you to enjoy these wonderful pictures. Enjoy the beauty of Fall!
Estaba Leyendo lo que escribiste sobre el otoño, y aunque no tengas camara para captar los paisajes del otoño, tienes tu mente para poder captar cada uno de esas fotos!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTienes el talento para poder ser una muy buena escritora.-
Plasma lo que siente y tratas de transmitir ese sentimiento a los lectores.-