Now that I am a mother, his words truly penetrate my heart as I see my daughter going off to second grade. When did this happen? When did she grow up? When did she start walking and talking? When did she become so independent? Wasn't it yesterday that she was in Kinder garden? 

Wasn't yesterday that she didn't even reach my knees? And now here she is, almost 8 years old, going into 2nd grade. How time does fly when you have kids. It's like time changes when you have them, time truly does become precious. Every second of everyday really has a different feeling and meaning.

Not only that but having kids makes you look at yourself more. Makes your age more noticeable, it's like wow I'm not a kid anymore, I'm not a teenager anymore, I'm a 26 year old mother of two. Yet it feels like yesterday that I was going to 2nd grade. That my father was going to parent teacher conferences. All our young years we're wishing to grow fast, to be able to be older. Yet now I sit here wishing I could go back. To be able to walk to the bus stop with my gramma, to eat her huevitos con jamon before going to school. But no, you know what, I don't wish to go back because now I get to see my daughter live those moments just like I did! And it's a good reminder to myself to enjoy them all to the fullest as much as I can. To not take them for granted! Because pretty soon time will fly by and I'll be sending her off to college.
And now I'm the one telling my daughter, "Hija, disfruta la vida, porque la vida se pasa rapido y cuando menos acuerdas ya se paso!"

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