Tenia que escribir la gran esperiencia que tuve anoche.
Ya tenia hecha una cita para hacer una de mis visitas de maestras visitantes. La tenia a las 6. Tambien hoy David tenia que hablar a Sallie Mae para tratar de arreglar lo de sus prestamos que nos estan afectando el credito y por resultado nos afecta las posibilidades de comprar la casa que queremos. Teniamos fe de que todo saldria bien.
Cuando bajo las escaleras no traia con si buenas noticias. No nos podia ayudar. Asi que las posibilidades de comprar nuestra casa se mirarian muy lejanas. Despues de discutir un poco mas las opciones que tal ves tendriamos para resolver esto, y despues de que David me tratara de explicar la llamad una y otra ves me invadio un sentimiento de enojo y tristesa a la misma ves. Me sentia a un mas molesta con mi misma porque yo le havia pedido a Dios que me ayudara a aceptar su voluntad, sin embargo ahora que los resultados no eran buenos realmente no estaba aceptando su voluntad. Como podria ir a hacer esta visita a la hermana si yo me sentia tan mal?
Decidi ir de todos modos. Me subi al carro y lo prendi, le baje al radio y empese mi oracion. Las lagrimas empesaron a derramarse de mis ojos. Me halle haciendo unas de las oraciones mas sinceras de mi vida, habriendole mi corazon a mi Padre Celestial y diciendole lo que sentia aunque mis sentimientos no fueran buenos. Fui honesta con el, y al escuchar yo misma mis palabras me sorprendi al sentir como me desahogaba. Pero le pedi que me ayudara a consentrarme en la visita que hiva hacer. Que no pensara mas en mi problema sino que me enfocara el la hermana que hiva a ver. Llegue a mi destino. Era una hermana a la cual solo conocia de vista y no sabia como me hiva a ir. Pero cual fue mi sorpresa que desde que nos sentamos en su sofa empesamos a platicar como si nos conocieramos de siempre. Me empeso a compartir su experiencia que tuve al tener que salir del pais por motivo de arreglar su estatus migratorio. Mi corazon brinco al empesar a escuchar sus palabras. Eran como si ella supiera que yo necesitaba consuelo en ese momento. Sus experiencias y consejos me alibiavan el corazon. Me levantaron mi espiritu, y fue como si la nuve negra se despejara de mi mente y me hiciera ver las muchas posibilidades que tenia en frente de mi. Me recordaron que son estas experiencias y pruebas las que nos enseñan y nos dan la oportunidad de creeser y aumentar nuestro testimonio de Dios y su infinito amor. Segun yo era la que le hiva a dar servicio y aliento a ella, cuando fue ella la que me dio el servicio y aliento a mi.
Le comparti el mensaje del mes y tambien le comparti lo que acababa de hacer por mi. Mis lagrimas otra ves brotaron pero esta ves eran de alegria. Eran de gratitud por el amor que Mi Padre Celestial me tiene y me bendice y que por medio de otros nos consuela tambien. Mi testimonio del evangelio crecio un poco mas esa noche. Mi testimonio de la Sociedad de Socorro crecio, supe en ese momento mas que nunca, que Dios inspira los programas de la iglesia como el de Maestras Visitantes, para nuestro bien. Porque el lo sabe todo, y sabe que si obedecemos y llevamos acabo lo que el nos manda, podremos tener momentos espirituales como el que tuve esa noche. Cuando uno mas lo necesita, cuando uno siente que se derrumban nuestros sueños y planes, el esta alli para levantarnos y recordarnos el proposito de esta vida. Se que si huviera dejado que esos sentimientos malos me derrotaran, si huviera sido egoista y huviera escojido quedarme en casa y sentirme mal y enforcarme en mi dolor no huviera hecho mi visita, no huviera podido recibir la gran bendicion de fortaleza y hermanamiento que Dios me dio por medio de esta hermana. Cuando nos abrimos a los pesares de los demas, y nos enfocamos en hacer ligeras las cargas de los demas por consecuencia nuestras cargas se hacen ligeras. Se que Dios vive, que nos ama y que nos conoce personalmente a cada uno de nosotros. Sabe nuestros pesares, dolores, y necesidades. Se que mientra me esfuerze a vivir el evangelio no devo temer de nada. Ninguna prueba me derrotara y se que siempre habra una salida a todo mediante le fe y confianza que deposite en Mi Padre Celestial y Jesucristo. No importa si viva en una mansion o en un humilde cuartito, si tengo a Dios en mi vida sere feliz y tendre la fuerza para salir adelante! Lo comparto en el nombre de Jesucristo Amen.
A place were I can preserve and share my adventures as a mommy and as a daughter of my Heavenly Father!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Cleaning = Peace

Day after day I would live with some amount of stress or anxiousness of seeing how our room seemed to get smaller and smaller as more things made it into our room. Even though I would "clean it" I knew that I wasn't really "CLEANING IT". And looking at the growing amount of clutter made me not want to even try too. It also came to my mind that the Holy Ghost "can't dwell in unholy places". That includes our homes. We must keep them clean and orderly so that the spirit can dwell in our homes and bless them with peace.
So this particular Saturday morning I thought to myself, "Why not finally tackle this? We have nothing better to do today than put our room in order." And that's exactly what we did. Funny side fact, as a coincidence my parents were deep cleaning their room too! Too funny.
We were able to take out so many un-needed things that we donated and also had plenty of things we weren't using and weren't going to be needed for awhile so we took them to storage. We deeply organized our clothes, movies, things, ect and dusted every inch. The end result was wonderful. I stood by the door starring at our newly cleaned and organized room and felt (the cliche) like a ton had been lifted off my shoulders. BUT really that's how it felt. It felt so peaceful to sit in the room, it looked brighter and bigger. I felt the anxiousness and stress dissapear! That night I slept like a baby!
I'm happy to report that so far we have been able to keep it up. Cleaning has been a breeze. So much easier and faster to pick up, and when I'm done it actually looks cleaned and picked up. But most importantly I know that it is worthy of having the spirit dwell in it.

Crafting together.
Little by little David and Me are learning of the blessings of taking the time to sit down and spend time with our kids.
Recently Natalie wanted to make masks since at school in art class they had been working on paper mache masks. But they couldn't wear them, they were more for decoration so she wanted to make masks that she could wear.
And these are the results! Like always David is super talented at everything we put him to do. Look at his spectacular Green Lantern and Senastro masks he made for Jaimito and himself.

And ofcourse I love anything crafty but I'm not very good at it. Look at my mask. I'm laughing just looking at it again. :) But not too bad, I made sure to have a crown cause I'm the queen of this House! I didn't forget to add fake lashes and some bright make up because it wouldn't be me without it! hahahaha! And finished it off with some bling bling, my long flowy earrings!

Love my little bunch! It's scary how realistic Jaimito looks with his mask! And look at my Nati, she had to have big juicey lips and sparkly eye make up on her mask just like her mama! Can't wait to see what we come up with next! I'm sure these will be the moments I'll be remembering when I'm a little old lady!
And ofcourse I love anything crafty but I'm not very good at it. Look at my mask. I'm laughing just looking at it again. :) But not too bad, I made sure to have a crown cause I'm the queen of this House! I didn't forget to add fake lashes and some bright make up because it wouldn't be me without it! hahahaha! And finished it off with some bling bling, my long flowy earrings!
Love my little bunch! It's scary how realistic Jaimito looks with his mask! And look at my Nati, she had to have big juicey lips and sparkly eye make up on her mask just like her mama! Can't wait to see what we come up with next! I'm sure these will be the moments I'll be remembering when I'm a little old lady!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Jaimito and Me
I know it has been five days since our birthday but I still wanted to make this post in celebration of Jaimito turning three years old.
Jaime David Mendez
Born January 14 @ 12:01 a.m.
Nicknames: Jaimito and Efrain Jr. (long story of why we call him Efrain jr.) lol
He is obsessed with super heroes. His favorites being: Hulk, Wolverine, Green Lantern, Spiderman, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and Batman. But he still can name a whole bunch more.
He's in the no eating phase. But his favorite foods and drinks are hot dogs (especially without the bun), eggs with hot dog links (which he tries to say in spanish huevito but it comes out as uito), McDonald's fries, cookies, chocolate, canela con leche, soda in general but especially coke, and ice cream!
He's starting to try to speak in sentences and is trying to get use to being in nursery at church on Sundays. He's very friendly, he isn't shy about walking right up to kids (who may be older than him) and talk to them and just start playing with them.
He loves his sister and loves playing with her. He enjoys wrestling with her and his dad. He especially likes playing zombies with her which consists in both of them hiding and shooting pretend zombies! haahahaha don't judge! But he's also very fiesty and will sometimes argue with Natalie. He loves kisses. He loves kissing us, but especially me. He has a weird habit of touching his lips. I think it's soothing for him. Sometimes he even comes up to me and rubs my lips. Weird, but it soothes him.
He loves surfing on YOUTUBE! He's a pro at it, he loves watching Spiderman, Power Rangers and Transformer videos on YouTube. He loves taking pictures and he's into making funny faces for the shots. I have a hard time getting a normal shot of him because he just refuses to stop making weird faces.
Last year he was afraid of the snow but this year he is embracing it. He loved walking in it, jumping in it and making snow angels in it. He's strong like a ox, he doesn't cry easily. He can fall, bump his head, hit the floor and he gets right back up and keeps going. Many bi standers have been surprise as they have seen this in action.
He's very into dressing up as super heros. He forever wore his halloween costume of Green Lantern. Then he moved on to wearing a spiderman mask with his captain america shield and his green lantern costume. It was quite a funny sight. Then for Christmas he received a Captain America and Spiderman pijama which he wears with his also new C.A. and Wolverine masks.

As for me, I'm turning 28 feeling fresh and renewed. Feeling young and optimistic. Full of life and with a stronger sence of spirituality. Ready to take on the world and whatever is thrown at me. Feeling way more mature and at peace with myself and life. Ready to learn much more of life and Heavenly Father's plan for me here on earth. I feel even more in love with the love of my life, secure and loved. In conclusion, I feel Happy and super Blessed.
Jaime David Mendez
Born January 14 @ 12:01 a.m.
Nicknames: Jaimito and Efrain Jr. (long story of why we call him Efrain jr.) lol
He is obsessed with super heroes. His favorites being: Hulk, Wolverine, Green Lantern, Spiderman, Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and Batman. But he still can name a whole bunch more.
He's in the no eating phase. But his favorite foods and drinks are hot dogs (especially without the bun), eggs with hot dog links (which he tries to say in spanish huevito but it comes out as uito), McDonald's fries, cookies, chocolate, canela con leche, soda in general but especially coke, and ice cream!
He's starting to try to speak in sentences and is trying to get use to being in nursery at church on Sundays. He's very friendly, he isn't shy about walking right up to kids (who may be older than him) and talk to them and just start playing with them.
It's been a wonderful year with my baby. I feel so blessed to have been given the chance to have him in my life. He showers me with love and makes me smile everyday.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Hijas en Mi Reino
Se nos dio este libro en la Sociedad de Socorro y decidi empesarlo hoy. Me siento tan agradecida con mi Padre Celestial porque se que se preocupa tanto por nosotras sus hijas que sabe muy bien lo que necesitamos. Sabe lo que necesitamos para fortalecer nuestro testimonio y este libro es testimonio de eso. Nos a dado las escrituras, manuales, revistas, ect con palabras directas de el dadas por medio de sus siervos. Lo unico que tenemos que hacer nosostros es leerlas, pero tristemente muchas veses no lo hacemos. Como hablaba con Natalie acerca de que necesitamos buscar el espiritu de Dios paraque este cerca de nosotros y asi poder vencer cualquier cosa que Satanas nos ponga en frente pero que como esperamos que este con nosostros si no lo buscamos en toda la semana. No es suficiente solo quererlo pero no hacer nada para buscarlo. Necesitamos orar, leer sus palabras, meditarlas y asi lo estaremos invitando a nuestras vidas. Entre mas e tratado de leer sus palabras esta semana, mas lo e mantenido en mi mente. Es tan simple como eso. La formula es simple, pero es tan simple que aun asi haveces no lo hago. Espero este año poder mantenerme motivada de seguir leyendo sus palabras pormedio de las escrituras, los manuales, las revistas de la iglesia, sus clases, ect, para asi comprobar por mi misma las bendiciones que podre recibir por tratar de mantenerlo constantemente en mi mente, corazon y hogar.
Los dejo con una pauta que leei del libro Hijas en Mi Reino hoy:
"El desarrollo de cualidades cristianas constituye una labor dificil y constante; no es para el trabajador de temporada ni para aquellos que no esten dispuestos a esforzarse al maximo una y otra vez".
Spencer W. Kimball
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